Montag, 4. Mai 2009

Since 17 times the Freienfels Castle Support Association organizes during spring month an Historic Festival that nowadays unites already several thousand participants from Germany, Europe and Asia. During the event-weekend an extense tent camp grows at the countryside of the small village Freienfels and its castle ruin in the Weil-River valley between Weilmuenster and Weilburg. During the first May weekend of 2009 Foto-CID was invited first time to document the spectacular meeting and it`s diverse program.

-->-->Desde 17 veces la Asociacion del Apoyo al Castillo de Freienfels organiza durante los meses de la primavera un Festival Historico que actualmente ya reune varios miles de participantes desde Alemania, Europa e Asia. Durante el fin de semana del festival un extenso campo de carpas crece en los alrededores del pequeño pueblo de Freienfels y su ruina de castillo en el Valle del Rio Weil entre Weilmuenster y Weilburg. Durante el primer fin de semana en mayo de 2009 Foto-CID ha sido invitado por primera vez para documentar el encuentro espectacular con su programa muy diverso.
More about this event in Internet:
Mas sobre ese evento en Internet:
Part 2 by Foto-CID
by Foto-CID in (Spanish-English Photostream)
by Foto-CID in (Chinese Photostream)
Official Website of Freienfels Castle Support Association

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All photographies by Peter Ulrich Zanger / Foto-CID
All rights reserved by Foto-CID

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